#204-4515 Harvest Drive
Delta, BC V4K 4L1
Ph: 604-946-0665
Fax: 604-946-0494
There are 3 family physicians that practice medicine at the Ladner Family Practice Clinic. They are well supported by a diligent team of an office manager, 2 MOAs, and 4 receptionists.
** Dr. David Hsia has retired effective immediately due to medical reasons. To register for the family doctor patient referral list, please go to https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/health-connect-registry

Dr. Ashley Nicholson
Family Physician
Dr. Ashley Nicholson was born in South Africa and immigrated to Canada growing up in Port Alberni, on Vancouver Island. During his undergraduate degree at Simon Fraser University, he had a strong focus in Sports and Rehabilitation.
He completed his medical training in
Prague, Czech Republic in 2009 and his Family Medicine Residency in Terrace, BC through the University of British Columbia.
Ashley has always prioritized family and community and working at the
Ladner Family Practice Clinic since 2012
has allowed him to serve the families in the local community. He is also a medical advisor for WorkSafeBC.

Dr. Jason Kason
Family Physician
Dr. Jason Kason was born and raised in Richmond. He completed his medical school and Family Practice residency at UBC. He knew early on that maternity care would be a large part of his career and he is an obstetrics provider at the Noakes Maternity Clinic associated with the Richmond Hospital.
Dr. Naeem Gurmani
Family Physician

Miranda Goutier
Medical Office Assistant
Miranda is our MOA for Dr. Nicholson.
She has over 15 years of experience in the medical field and is a valuable member of our team.
When Miranda is not working at the clinic, she spends time with her family and makes sure her curious cat "Rocket," shown in the photo above,
is behaving himself.